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This can be influenced by a number of factors. The height and the build of person create physical parameters that cannot be changed. A person with a larger build will not be able to get as close to the patient and would need the loupe declination customised for them. That is why loupes with fixed declinations are not generally suitable and it needs to be determined by someone expert enough to be able to encourage a good posture for that individual.

It is the declination of the loupe that allows the head and neck to be in the correct position when working. It is generally accepted that the spine and neck should follow their natural curvature when looking through the loupes at the patient which results in the head being slightly tilted forwards. Trying to keep the head too upright requires muscle effort which may cause stress on the neck and shoulders.


As well as declination, a correct individualised working distance is fundamental to obtaining a good posture. Measuring this becomes more of an issue with higher magnifications as the depth of view is less. It also needs to take in to account the times where the dentist moves from ideal posture to be able to obtain a different view (ideally this should be less than 20% of the time).


This article is the opinion of Evident, supplier of ExamVision loupes

We all know that many dental professionals suffer from back and neck pain at times during their career.  This is mainly due to the various positions that are adopted during working, often leaning in to be able to see better. Loupes are the obvious answer but if not correctly set they can actually worsen the problem by forcing the user in to a harmful position.


ExamVision have created frames especially for loupes that allow declination angles to be as high as 40°. This is more than enough to allow the user to adopt the posture that is ideal. The oculars are placed in the frame in a position that permits a natural straight through path while providing unrestricted vision through the outer lenses. This positioning even facilitates bifocal and varifocal lenses to be placed in the frame over the ocular for an unobstructed view.

ExamVision have now developed a reflex type loupe that allows custom declination without the problem of restricted vision around the ocular. It is not suitable or necessary for everyone. We only recommend this type of loupe for postures that cannot be achieved with a straight through viewing path. If a natural (not forced) posture is achievable at 35° or less, it is not necessary as it would be set at the same declination.

In addition there is an internal adjustment that allows the working distance to be set exactly to what is desired and not just a number of ranges for the user to fit in to.

Declination angles